5 Best Tools for Beginner Woodworking

So you want to build, eh? And you are feeling tough, huh? Well, what are ya gonna do about it, hmm?! (I picture this being read by an old fashioned Jimmy Stewart in a gangster movie, apparently.) Anyhoo, if you want to get into woodworking, unfortunately you’ll need a few tools. Not saying I don’t love tools. I do. But they are pricey, require storage, and to be honest some of them can be downright scary. You need to know what you are getting into and just get the essentials to start. Read on and I will provide you with a list of my favorite beginner woodworking tools that you need to complete 99% of DIY projects for your house!
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- Measuring tape. That may sound simple or silly or common sense, but it is definitely a tool you should have around the house and one that you will need for every single project. If you are anything like me, you will measure something, walk away, immediately forget said measurement, and repeat 45 more times until you get mad and finally write it down. (So maybe grab a pencil and small notebook too!) Make sure you get the tape with the hook!
2. Cordless screwdriver and drill. I’ve used this for about 8000 improvement projects around the house in my pre-DIY days and continue to do so with woodworking as well. One point I would like to make here: research a brand, pick one, and stick with it! That way your tools can share batteries and you won’t have to keep a thousand batteries and chargers lying around. I love Ryobi for durability, affordability, variety, and look as well (the lime green is fun, what can I say?!).
3. Miter saw. Yes, in the beginning, you can get away with either using a hand saw or getting cuts done at your local Home Depot (and I definitely recommend starting this way!). That said, if you start to get a little more into DIY projects and woodworking, you will definitely want a miter saw of your own. I use this thing for legitimately every single project that I do (I have now literally said that for everything on my list! But it is true…). And for some things it’s really nice to be able to cut in real time. I don’t know about you, but I definitely have a hard time planning things so perfectly that I can have someone else cut it for me and it all fit just right.
There are a couple of versions that you can consider. I have a more bare bones version that my brother-in-law gave me a while back. If I were to do it all over again, I would go for the compound sliding miter saw so I could cut wider pieces. That said, it is pricier so do what makes sense for you.
4. Random Orbital Sander. You’ll need to sand pretty much every project you do (I am seeing a trend here), so pick one you like and make good friends with it. There are several different types of sanders, so don’t get overwhelmed. For basic projects, I recommend the random orbital sander. This is my go to 90% of the time. There is also a corner cat sander which I believe is for smaller projects and finishing. I personally don’t have one and haven’t missed it. Then there is a belt sander. It takes off more surface area and is great for larger pieces where you need to take a lot off in a short amount of time. The belt sander is the newest addition to my team and, while I love it for some of my more involved pieces (like this industrial farmhouse desk I built), you don’t really need one for getting started.
5. Nail gun. Truly, I think this falls into the category of nice to have vs. need to have. You can totally get by with a basic hammer and nails or using your cordless drill and screws instead. That said, ever since I got one of these babies, I’ve used it for millions of things. It is a nice way to attach smaller pieces while leaving a relatively small hole to fill for a cleaner look. And it is super fast and simple to use.
Optional items: So above, I talked about all the items I use with nearly every DIY project I do. If you have all these things and are looking for other options to make your life easier and your projects nicer, I recommend adding the following to your collections.
- Kreg jig- Surely you’ve heard of this little guy and the pocket holes he makes that will change your world? If not, definitely give it a look. It is a nice way to disguise joinery for those of us that aren’t quite skilled enough (or have the money to buy the right tools) to do expert woodworking joinery.
- Circular saw– Not my favorite tool but a good way to rip down large sheets of plywood at home, alone, without killing yourself with say, a table saw. I will neither admit or deny how many times I have feared for my life using a table saw. It is definitely not for the faint of heart! Circular saws though are pretty cool and straight forward.
- Clamps– Seasoned woodworkers have all fainted right about now. I know, I know. How can you do woodworking without clamps?!?! It may not be perfect work, but you totally can. And if I’m being perfectly honest, I worked without clamps for quite some time. Now did it change my world when I got some clamps? Yes. However, when you are getting started and aren’t trying to throw a ton of money at this hobby, I can totally understand not wanting to spend money on clamps. But when you are ready, I definitely recommend a face clamp (it makes two side by side pieces flush and really helped a ton when I made this farmhouse coffee table) along with a few other basic clamps.
Ok, so there you have it! My go to beginner woodworking tools, and a few other additions to include to your stash when you can! Go back and check out my post on beginner projects to find some project inspiration to get you started with your new tools. God speed!

Scott J DeNicola
I love my compound miter saw and router. They are my go-to tools! I also use a Saw Z’all for a lot of projects. This is a great list to have!
Despite Pain
Great tools there. I love going into my husband’s workshop when he’s been working with wood. The smell attracts me. You know, that fresh sawdust or shavings smell.
For the random orbital sander, do you recommend the peel and stick discs or hook and loop? I have only ever used the peel and stick, just wondering if there is a noticable difference.
Are use the peel and stick as well, but it isn’t my favorite. I was thinking about trying the hook and loop at some point in the near future and see if I like that better.
Sousa Deb
Do you read my mind?? I was thinking the other day, about how useful an article like this would be, and here it is !! Thanks for sharing this great beginner woodworking tools ideas!
Nero N
I’m not a woodworker but I can vouch for the measuring tape. Having one around the house is extremely handy for lots of other things like furniture space.
This is a great list for quick reference when trying to gather the most practical items!
Thanks so much!
I’m surprised you didn’t include a dremel! I find I can do so many small projects with one of those suckers.
I actually don’t have one! I try my best to make due with the bare bones!
Live Learn Better
Charges from handymen have suddenly woken up the DIY talent in me. I have paid so much to them only for them to come out for 5 or 10 minutes and get paid $99.
So as long as I can get the parts at the store, and there’s a Youtube video to help, I’m buying the tools and fixing it myself.
Stephanie Stebbins
We just bought our first house and my husband has his very own workshop in the back. He’s stupid happy about it, too. I’m going to share this with him, thanks!
France Herwieline Bautista
Woodwork takes a lot of effort from what I see, but being a crafty person, I might actually enjoy it lol!
Rachael Marini
Per my husband we actually have a lot of this stuff already!!! Yahoo!
Kristy Bullard
This is a great list! I think we have all of these but we need a new belt sander.
Tracy C
Nice list! I highly recommend having clamps at home if you have antique furniture. My old wooden chairs always seem to need clamped and glued. Weather change is difficult on them.
A few of these tools I am familiar with, but the others I have to get my fahter to help me. Great article.
You certainly know your tools. Cordless screwdriver, Miter Saw and Sander are totally out of my skill range. I leave the operations of tools like those to my husband. I can manage the measuring tape which comes in handy for so many projects in the home.
I’m the girl always inside of Home Depot starting into oblivion searching for the right tools. I want to create and never have the right tools and no one is ever there to Answer questions at Home Depot. I’m a proud owner of a screw driver I’m ready to graduate!
Yes!!! Hope you make some great things!!!